Verejná doprava

Náš systém riadenia verejnej dopravy pomáha dosiahnuť plynulý prejazd vozidiel verejnej dopravy v meste, riadi cestovné poriadky, zabezpečuje rádiovú komunikáciu so všetkými vozidlami, a tiež zhromažďuje a spracúva údaje o doprave v reálnom čase.

Neustále vyvíjame a zdokonaľujeme oblasti súvisiace s koncepciou inteligentného mesta, ktorá prispieva ku komfortu používateľov prostredníctvom efektívneho využívania infraštruktúry miest. Preto je naším cieľom poskytovať obciam a mestám komplexné riešenia: hardvér, softvér (vrátane mobilných aplikácií pre cestujúcich) a komponenty pre koncových používateľov (automaty na výdaj lístkov, informačné tabule ap.).


We offer complex systems which combine state-of-the-art technology and computer science, support and monitor the processes of service provision, optimize the use of resources, and enhance the logistics of transport and communication. All this leads to lower costs, higher quality and increase in satisfaction of your customers.
Adrianna Kowalczyk
Driver communication system 07
We offer complex systems which combine state-of-the-art technology and computer science, support and monitor the processes of service provision, optimize the use of resources, and enhance the logistics of transport and communication.
Czesław Nowak
We offer complex systems which combine state-of-the-art technology and computer science, support and monitor the processes of service provision, optimize the use of resources, and enhance the logistics of transport and communication. All this leads to lower costs, higher quality and increase in satisfaction of your customers.
Adam Nowak
Image recording system 04_t
We offer complex systems which combine state-of-the-art technology and computer science, support and monitor the processes of service provision, optimize the use of resources, and enhance the logistics of transport and communication. All this leads to lower costs, higher quality and increase in satisfaction of your customers.
Jurek Nowak

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