State Fire Service with ELTE solutions

Hardware: Accessories, GPS Tracking, Measuring devices and systems, Terminals
Industry: Emergency services

The State Fire Service is a professional, uniformed and equipped with specialised equipment formation designed to fight fires, natural disasters and other local threats in Poland.


The State Fire Service works in the following structure: Headquarters,
16 Provincial Headquarters,335 District/Municipal Headquarters.


The State Fire Service requested a comprehensive system for fleet management, monitoring of actions across the country and analysis of operational parameters. In addition to GPS location, it had to measure the operation of every relevant function of the fire engine
(fuel and foam agent levels, dashboard indicators, lift and motor pump operation). It was also important to monitor the work of the firefighters to enhance their safety. The system had to be faultless, intuitive and easy to use, both for the dispatchers and the firefighters in action. The National Fire Service (NFS) requires a minimum of around 5,100 firefighters and 5,551 firefighting and
special-purpose vehicles in 502 Fire and Rescue Units of the National Fire Service (NFS). Approximately 11,131 rescue, fire-fighting and special-purpose vehicles should be available in the 4,544 Voluntary Fire Brigades (Voluntary Fire Brigades) units in KSRG.


Bearing in mind the specific nature of the work of the TSOs, we developed a comprehensive solution including both software and equipment manufactured in our company.


The implementation included the following elements: 


Monitoring the location of moving objects – through the GPS locator, data on the object’s location, speed, direction of movement and information from sensors and interfaces are recorded. The data stored in the internal memory of the GPS locator are sent to the monitoring system. On their basis, it is possible to draw up various types of reports, such as from routes of travel, from stops, from places where the motor vehicle starts up, from the ignition and from additional sensors, e.g. priority signal, etc.


Monitoring of vehicle parameters – the ELTE system makes it possible to read and record operating data from the CAN-BUS bus, such as fuel level, meter status, brake circuit pressure, fuel consumption, revolutions, coolant temperature and others. This does not require the installation of many additional sensors.


The body monitoring system was developed in close cooperation with the State Fire Service to meet its needs. This enables a range of data to be monitored and recorded, depending on the type of bodywork, such as motor pump operation, quantity of foaming agent, etc.


The touchscreen on-board terminal is one of the basic elements of the ET Connect system. The terminal supports tasks such as communication with the driver, GPS navigation and the display of transmitted events from the control/dispatching station. Thanks to this system, events sent to the terminal together with their addresses are geotagged, which allows automatic navigation to the place where the event took place, via the Auto-Map application installed on the terminal, without having to manually enter the address.


ET Integrator – a system enabling integration with various dispatching systems and is integrated with the decision support system, including the acceptance of calls, creation of exit cards, dispatching of vehicles for event handling, etc.


Mobile application – installed on mobile devices, it is a tool supporting the operation of the fire brigade unit, accelerating the response to the call for action, providing information on the status of the rescue operation and facilitating the arrival at the scene of the incident.

Selected Some of the application’s functionalities include: sending the status of the action to the dispatch centre, sending a message with the possibility of attaching a photo, automatic navigation to the place of action and receiving an incident card.


Personal locator – this is a small device that has found particular use in the fire service for locating firefighters. When switched on,
it automatically locates the position of the person wearing the device, which we can track in the app. The device is equipped with two buttons that can be defined as required, e.g. at the time of an emergency or other situation requiring a call for help.

By pressing the locator button, information about a call for help is sent together with the position of the locator user to pre-defined telephone numbers. 

We are extremely proud that AutoMapa is part of the SMOK system, which supports the work of such services as the Fire Service. AutoMapa is the most frequently updated navigation system in Poland, thanks to which the maps take into account the current changes in the road infrastructure. In addition, AutoMapa is the only application with such a precise, point-based database of addresses assigned to specific buildings, which is crucial for efficient arrival at the scene of the action.
Janusz M. Kamiński
AutoMapa's PR and Marketing Manager


Usprawnienie komunikacji maszynista - dyspozytor (1)

Improved crew - dispatcher communication

Wzrost bezpieczeństwa załogi

Increased crew safety

Szybki przepływ informacji

Quick information flow

Pełna informacja o stanie floty

Full control over the fleet

Full information on vehicle status
