Technical support - questions and answers


I forgot my password or login information


Please make such a request through the service portal in the content containing the name of the account (login) on which the password is to be restarted. In response, you will receive new access data.


Login problems (unable to log in)


Before reporting login problems, please check:

– whether the entered company name, login, password do not contain errors (case sensitive)
– whether the login panel you have chosen is appropriate for your company (FLEET / MUNICIPAL COMPANY / INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMER, etc.).

If you are sure that the login data you enter are correct, then send a request through the service portal, including in the content of the login for which there are problems with logging in.

Use of the system

Vehicle does not transmit current position, does not connect


If the current position of the vehicle is not available (red icon symbolizing “no data”), make sure that the vehicle:\


– is in operation,

– has a working battery,

– is not parked in an underground parking lot.


If the vehicle still does not connect, please send a request through the service portal with a description of the vehicle (registration number, model, make, possibly driver number) and add the above information about the operation and efficiency of the vehicle.



How to draw a route from a passage?


You can generate the route of the selected object for the period from the present up to 3 months back. To do this, select the vehicle you are interested in (check the checkbox/button next to the vehicle), go to the “Objects” tab and select the “Routes” option, or use the route drawing function above the list of objects (the icon with a pen and a blue trace). When the window appears, select the period of interest and click the “load” button.



How to generate a report?


To generate a report, you need to select a vehicle (checkbox/bottom box next to the vehicle), and then select the reports option via the “Objects” tab or directly via the blue icon with the table symbol. After selecting a report (e.g. road report – events) and double-clicking on it, select the period for which you want to generate the report, and then select the “load” button. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, reports are available for the previous day, up to a maximum of 3 months back.



Reports do not contain data (they generate empty)


Please send a request through the service portal in the content providing information from what vehicle the report is generated, what period it relates to and what report has been selected. This will allow a detailed analysis of the problem. NOTE: We would like to remind you that if the contract does not provide otherwise, reports are available for the previous day (i.e. the report for today may be empty) and data are stored in the application up to a maximum of 3 months back.

Installation and access to the system

Arranging installation, service or dismantling of equipment – to whom?

To arrange for installation or removal of equipment, send a message through the contact form in the content, including vehicle make, year, driver number (only in the case of removal), as well as the proposed date of service.

On the other hand, in order to make a service appointment, please send a message through the service portal in the content containing the vehicle registration number and/or device number (5-digit driver number). Please also check and add whether the reported vehicle is in constant use and has a working battery in order to exclude faults caused by inoperative vehicles.

I purchased and installed the controller myself, what next?

If the customer installs the device on his own, he is required to send the following information through the service portal in order to connect the facility to the monitoring:

– 15-character unique device number, which is placed on a sticker on the device,

– SIM number (phone number), 9-digit number included in the shipment or on the device,

– vehicle registration number,

– the make of the vehicle,

– information whether the ignition signal of the vehicle being assembled has been connected.

Note: It is possible to check the correct operation of the device by phone during the installation or immediately after. To check the correctness of the installation and operation of the device, please call the phone number 12 659 20 98 (from 8:00 – 16:00) asking to be transferred to the Customer Service Department to check the vehicle.

After installation of the new device, I did not receive access data for the application

The lack of access data may be due to the failure to complete all the formalities of the order. Access data may not have been sent to you due to failure to:

– sending the original contract to the company’s headquarters

– payment for the performance of the service

– sending the installation protocol or information about the installed device in the vehicle (applies to customers installing devices on their own)

If all the formalities have been completed, send the appropriate notification through the service portal in the content containing the registration number, model and make of the vehicle and the date of installation of the devices.