Mobile Apps

We have developed applications to support the work of users of our hardware and systems. They help in marking and inventorying containers, monitoring their location and parameters, reading data from sensors installed in vehicles. They are an important working tool for people involved in the waste collection process.


INVENTORYapp streamlines container inventory processes. It works online, allows adding new containers and assigning QR/RFID codes to containers.  Managing the process now is much more efficient and comfortable.

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CONTAINERapp streamlines container handling processes, including streamlining, receiving, transportation and inventory. A single database helps the process run smoothly and seamlessly.

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KILOapp is an application that allows reporting on the current weight of collected waste by type and group. This gives the user a convenient view of the data on their smartphone. It also shows the process progression.

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PHOTOBOXapp extends the functionality of PHOTOBOX devices. The app allows wireless access to photos taken by vehicle-mounted devices. The intuitive design allows for hassle-free and convenient use. Cameras can be switched individually or presented in an aggregate view.

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