ARUBAMU main functionalities
Streaming – possibility to
view images from cameras placed on
vehicles in real time, with the option
recording of selected frames in the form of photos.
The video viewer allows you to
preview the images recorded by the
cameras, and also allows
synchronization with the event
and location. In addition, the editor has
employee anonymization function
- manual or automatic.
The real-time synchronization of reports, maps and video allows you to
view the current location of the vehicle, the actions performed and interventions
in case of irregularities
Anomization options
Manual - allows the
user to blur
specific areas
selected frames
Automatic - generates
and reproduces fully
anonymized footage
Additional features of the system through the use of 360 cameras and VIDEOBOX.
The 360 image recording and in-vehicle viewing allows quick response to events in the space around the vehicle. The image is digitally stored on storage media or in the cloud, depending on the customer's requirements. In addition, the driver can use the "bird's eye" view preview for better orientation,and with the VideoBox system, he can configure the recorded image in terms of resolution and frame rate, adjusting it to his preferences and needs.