The four days of the fair, over 2,400 exhibitors have the opportunity to present their products to over 100,000 visitors. The fair is accompanied by a series of special business presentations, information events, as well as workshops and conferences.
At the stand 7G71, we look forward to meeting everyone who is interested of our offer. We present extensive ICT systems supporting the supervision and optimization of resources and we present the effects of introducing our proprietary solutions.
The following companies came with us to the Catalan capital as part of the invitation: EBIS, Miquido, AIRLY, Shape.Care, CorCode, Axence, Infolet, Medapp, Midero.
MWC Barcelona is one of the stages of this year’s presentation of our new products at the largest sector events in the world. Another meeting to which we invite you in May will be IFAT 2022 in Munich.